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How to block calls or SMS from a specific number on your Samsung C3590
In this section, we will explain step by step how to prevent a specific person from contacting you by phone call or SMS.
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Block a phone number
To block a number on your Samsung C3590, please follow this process:
- Access your smartphone menu and then “Contacts”.
- Click the contact you want to block.
Then, tap the three dots, then tap “Add to rejection list”.
- You will no longer receive calls from this contact.
However, the person can always contact you by SMS.
This method does not redirect the call to the mailbox, but the contact receives a busy signal when trying to call you.
If this method does not work, you can still download a free application from the official App Store.
Redirecting blocked calls to your mailbox
If you still want to know if the contact you blocked tried to call you, you can simply redirect the call to the mailbox.
To redirect all calls to the mailbox, enter *21# on the keyboard of your Samsung C3590.
To disable the function, type #21#.
To redirect someone, you’ll have to search for it under your contacts.
Then click on the three points.
After that you have to activate the option “All calls to the mailbox”.
Block calls in general
If you want to block multiple calls immediately, you can do this as follows:
- Access your phone’s settings. Click on “Calls”.
- Then tap “Additional Settings” >“Call Restriction”.
- You can now choose between several options. For example, if you do not want to receive international calls, you can click on it to activate it.
- You can just as easily reject all incoming calls automatically.
Auto reject list
If you want to immediately reject multiple calls, you can do this by creating an automatic deny list.
- Go to “Settings”, then “Call settings” and then “Reject call”.
- You can now enter a phone number or select a contact.
Blocking SMS on your Samsung C3590
If you no longer want to receive text messages from certain people, you can block all SMS from a specific contact.
- Go to your phone’s menu and then to “Messages”.
In the listed conversations, click the contact whose SMS you no longer want to receive.
Hold down for a few seconds until you see a selection on the screen.
- Click on “Add to spam numbers”.
If you want to create a list of spam numbers on your Samsung C3590, you need to do the following:
- In the “Messages” menu, click on the three points below and then on “Settings”.
- Go to the “Spam Settings” item. Click it to activate this option if you have not already done it.
- Then tap “Add to spam numbers”.
You can dial a phone number again or select a contact.
About “Call Barring” on your Samsung C3590
Call Barring (CB) is a complementary service that allows the subscriber to activate a barring of incoming (outgoing) or outgoing calls to his / her connection (subscriber number).
The call barring service group consists of five independent services, most probably available on your Samsung C3590.
A mobile subscriber can be individually registered or deleted in each of these services individually.
Call barring allows the user to block incoming, outgoing, or both types of call. Using a “Man Machine Interface Service Codes (MMI Service Codes)”, the user can select the service being barred.
It can activate, for example, barring incoming SMS using a specific code from its provider.
This could be a great solution to block incoming SMS on your Samsung C3590.
BIC-Roaming on your Samsung C3590
The BIC-Roam service allows the subscriber to prohibit all incoming calls when roaming outside the country.
Thus, if BIC-Roam is active and the subscriber is roaming outside its Mobile Network, the network will not allow any incoming call to be reached for the mobile subscriber’s number.
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This could be available from your Samsung C3590, but please contact your provider to do so.
The subscriber may decide to use the BIC-Roam service if it does not want to receive incoming calls during roaming, thus reducing roaming charges.
We hope to have helped you to block a call or text message from an undesired number on your Samsung C3590.
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